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Salvation Army commemorates 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina

28 August 2015

In late August 2005 Hurricane Katrina caused widespread destruction across the Southern United States.

The 2005 hurricane season – which included Katrina, Rita and Wilma, three of the most devastating hurricanes in U.S. history – spurred The Salvation Army’s largest emergency disaster response ever in the United States. The Salvation Army was on hand almost immediately providing:

  • 178 canteen feeding units and 11 field kitchens brought in from across the country
  • More than 5.6 million hot meals and 8.2 million sandwiches, snacks and drinks
  • 282,000 emergency disaster assistance cases registered
  • Emotional and spiritual care for more than 275,000 individuals, and
  • Assistance to more than 2.6 million survivors in the affected region

The Salvation Army is commemorating the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and reflects on the lives lost, communities impacted and devastation caused. As such the Army has worked to restore basic social service programs to the Gulf Coast – and has committed to provide continuing support to the affected region.


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