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The Salvation Army in Mexico responds to dual disasters

12 September 2017

The Salvation Army in Mexico responds to dual disasters

The Salvation Army responds after Hurricane Katia and an 8.1-magnitude earthquake in September 2017.

The Salvation Army in Mexico is responding to disasters on two fronts, with people being affected by hurricane damage in the north and a huge earthquake – followed by threat of tsunami – just off the southern coast.

The 8.1-magnitude earthquake that struck near the border with Guatemala was felt across the country, even almost 1000 kilometres away in Mexico City. More than 90 people are known to have been killed in the states of Chiapas and Oaxaca, and thousands of people were evacuated from the coast due to concerns about a tsunami.

The Salvation Army’s Divisional Coordinator of Emergencies from Capital Division – along with another officer with experience in emergencies – travelled to Oaxaca to coordinate with the authorities in charge of the emergency operation. They were assigned the cities of Juchitan, Santiago de Miltepec and San Francisco del Mar, where they were asked to provide food to 500 people living in two shelters.

Two canteens and a team of nine officers and cadets hoped to reach the region yesterday, but progress is being hampered by landslides and bridge damage caused by the earthquake.

Shortly after the earthquake struck, Hurricane Katia hit the coast near Veracruz. In readiness, The Salvation Army had sent two canteens and two support vehicles to the region, along with the Divisional Coordinator of Emergencies from South East Division and a team of eight officers and soldiers.

The Salvation Army was assigned by the authorities to provide food to displaced people in Tecolutla.

Report courtesy of International Headquarters



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