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Real estate rider braves French 'hell'

3 May 2017

Real estate rider braves French 'hell'

Scott Walkom (second from right) crosses the finish line of the Paris-Roubaix.

Newcastle real estate director Scott Walkom endured 275km of cycling “hell” in France recently to raise funds and awareness for The Salvation Army.

The head of Walkom Real Estate took part in the Paris-Roubaix, a cycling event dubbed “the hell of the north”, on Saturday 9 April. The ride began in Paris and finished in Roubaix near the Belgian border, taking in four cobbled sections along the way.

Walkom is a member of The Salvation Army Advisory Board in Newcastle, and his aim was the raise awareness for The Salvation Army on his ride, donating $5000 to the organisation in the process.

For the second year running, Walkom also competed in the famous Paris De Flanders event while in France.

“This year I rode in both events to raise awareness about the services that The Salvation Army offers,” he said. “I trained quite extensively for the gruelling conditions. Before I left I rode 420km in the Royal Far West Children’s Ride in Orange, so I felt well prepared. 

"The events are straining and can take you over some very rough terrain. This year I worked with Glen at Cycle Fitness Nutrition bike shop (in Newcastle) to ensure my bike held up in all conditions. I also had a two-hour detour on the way to Sydney airport to pick up custom-made tyres, as punctures on the ride are very common.” 


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