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Ten top tips from the Salvos to spread joy this Christmas

13 September 2024

Ten top tips from the Salvos to spread joy this Christmas

Positive, priceless ways to spread a gift of joy this Christmas  

Did you know our modern-day Santa Claus grew from the story of a generous joy-giver? St Nicholas, a 4th-century Christian bishop in Myra, a town in present-day Türkiye (Turkey), was renowned for his generosity. 

The story is that St Nicholas was from a wealthy family but lost his parents when he was very young. He dedicated his life to helping those in need, often performing his acts of kindness in secret. One famous story tells of how he saved three very poor sisters from a life of hardship and slavery by secretly throwing bags of gold through their window. 

While few of us today have bags of gold to share, we certainly can share from hearts of gold to spread happiness this Christmas.  

Wouldn’t it be lovely if — individually or with our kids, family, friends, sporting club, church, or other groups — we decided to share a gift of joy with others this Christmas? Who knows how much brighter the world could become as we care for each other in meaningful ways?  

Here are ten ways to light up someone’s Christmas with joy: 

  1. Volunteering your time: A priceless gift
    Volunteering is a powerful way to spread joy. By giving your time and skills, you create a ripple effect of happiness. Whether it’s helping out at a local community lunch, assisting with Christmas toy and food distribution at your local Salvation Army, or visiting an aged care home to chat with those who have no Christmas visitors, the opportunities are endless. 

    Volunteer with the Salvos

  2. Sharing your talents: A unique contribution 
    Everyone has a talent or skill that can bring joy to others. Whether you’re a musician, artist, handyperson, or cook, sharing your unique gifts can bring immense happiness and joy to those around you. Join a local Christmas carols choir, paint a mural for a community centre, offer to fix things for neighbours, or cook for a family in need. Your talents, when shared, can create deeply meaningful moments of joy. 

  3. Giving thoughtful gifts: Tokens of love and appreciation 
    Thoughtful gifts that bring joy don’t have to be expensive. The best Christmas gifts are those that show you’ve taken the time to think about the recipient’s likes and needs. A bunch of flowers from your garden or a second-hand book that you think someone would really enjoy can mean the world. Thoughtful gifts show you care and give happiness and joy to both the giver and receiver. 

  4. Spreading positivity: Encouraging words and actions 
    Positive words create an environment of joy. This Christmas season, start a habit of speaking positively to those around you by challenging yourself to give at least one encouraging comment each day. Maybe compliment a co-worker or someone serving you in a shop, send a thank-you note, text a Bible verse to a friend, or simply express gratitude to someone who has made a difference in your life. The same applies to social media. The world has enough negativity — so if you are going to post, why not create joy and post positively? 

  5. Bringing people together: Organising or inviting others to an event
    Community events are a wonderful way to spread joy and build connections. You could organise a neighbourhood potluck meal, a community cleanup, or a Christmas-themed event through your church or club. The Salvation Army hosts Christmas community events and church services, which offer an opportunity for you to find connection and to invite others along. Celebrating Christmas with others fosters a sense of connection and joy.

    Find a Salvos Christmas event near you

  6. Offering a listening ear: Being present for others 
    Sometimes, the greatest gift you can give is your time and attention. Offering a listening ear to someone who needs to talk can be incredibly important. Whether it's a friend going through a tough time, or a stranger who needs someone to listen, being present and showing empathy can bring great comfort and joy to those who need to be heard. 

  7. Creating joyful memories: Happy activities with loved ones
    Sometimes life gets so busy, we miss moments of joy with those we are closest to. Why not plan activities that create joyful memories with your loved ones? Whether it’s baking Christmas cookies, going on a walk in nature, or having a Christmas-themed home movie night, these moments of togetherness are priceless. Shared experiences build strong bonds and create lasting joyful memories.

    Free family activities for your Christmas

  8. Supporting a cause: Making a significant difference
    Supporting a cause you believe in can bring you and others immense joy. Whether it’s donating toys, time, or more to The Salvation Army at Christmastime, participating in a fundraiser, or advocating for a cause, your efforts can make a significant difference to others. Knowing that you’re contributing to a greater good can bring a deep sense of purpose and joy to your life too.


  9. Practising random acts of kindness: Surprising someone with joy 
    Random acts of kindness can brighten someone’s day in unexpected ways. Pay for the coffee of the person behind you in line, leave a kind note for a stranger, offer to return a shopping trolley, give up a seat on public transport, or offer to pray for someone if they are open to it. These small, spontaneous acts can create a big impact and spread happiness and joy far and wide.

  10. Embracing all that is lovely about Christmas: Joy to the world 

    Christmas is the time The Salvation Army celebrates the joy that Jesus brings. When Jesus was born on the first Christmas, an angel announced his birth saying, "Don't be afraid! I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people" (read more in Luke 2 in the Bible).

    Although all these tips (above) will spread kindness, love and joy to others, the gift of joy from Jesus goes much deeper. The joy that Jesus brings is anchored in the belief in God's goodness and the hope we can cling to, even in the toughest times. 

    Find out more about the joy that Jesus offers this Christmas here.

So here at the Salvos, we wish you a joy-filled, meaningful Christmas. We warmly invite you to embrace what brings authentic joy and to extend this gift of joy to others. Together, let's create a ripple effect that touches hearts and transforms lives this Christmas.  

And the best part? Joy is like a circle — when you give it, you receive it back, often in the most unexpected and beautiful ways. 


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The Salvation Army Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet and work and pay our respect to Elders past, present and future.

We value and include people of all cultures, languages, abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and intersex status. We are committed to providing programs that are fully inclusive. We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of people of all ages, particularly children.

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The Salvation Army is an international movement. Our mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in his name with love and without discrimination.

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