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The Doorways Emergency Relief Survey 2024

Salvos team member walking with a community member

Red Shield Research Project

The Salvation Army’s Research and Outcome Measurement team is conducting its annual Red Shield Research Project asking about the views and experiences of people who accessed our Doorways Emergency Relief services in the past year. Community members will be invited via text message or email to complete the survey in early September 2023. The survey is voluntary and responses are confidential.

UPDATE: Notice of technical error

Who is this alert for?

  • This alert ONLY relates to community members who received an SMS invitation on 4 September.
  • This alert DOES NOT relate to community members who received an SMS invitation to complete the survey after this date.

On 4 September, we experienced a technical error distributing our SMS survey invitations. Some community members may have received a text message from us addressed to an incorrect given name. This error has been resolved.

The SMS and survey invitation received on 4 September, is genuine and can still be used to complete the Doorways Emergency Relief survey.

This incident has been reviewed and we can confirm your personal information has not been compromised.

We apologise for any confusion and inconvenience this may have caused.

If you have any questions or concerns please email us at:

What is the purpose of the survey?

The survey helps us understand our community members' experiences and challenges during the year and any hardships they may be facing. The findings from the research will be compiled into a report. No individual will be identified in any reports or publications. Survey findings may also be used to support The Salvation Army’s advocacy, inform the community, fundraise and improve our services.

Any questions, please contact the research team at:

Frequently asked questions

What is the survey about?

The Salvation Army’s Research Team is conducting the annual Red Shield 2024 Research Project to better understand the experiences and challenges our community members may be facing.

Why have I been contacted?

Some community members who have accessed Doorways Emergency Relief Service in the past 12 months will be invited via SMS to participate in the survey.

Invitations and two reminders will be sent from Monday 4 to Saturday 30 September.

What kinds of questions are included?

Various. The survey asks questions about community members’ experiences of financial hardship, cost-of-living pressures, life challenges, housing situations and their wellbeing. Questions are asked using a mix of multiple-choice and open-ended responses.

How do community members complete the survey?

Online. Community members can complete the online survey via the link they received in a recent text message from ‘The Salvos’. To minimise the impact on the environment, paper copies of the survey are not available.

Is the survey available in different languages?

No, the survey is only available in English.

Do community members have to complete the survey?

No, the survey is voluntary. The decision to participate or not will not affect the relationship community members have with The Salvation Army.

How long will it take?

Approximately 15 minutes.

Why should community members complete the survey?

For community members to have a say and share their experiences. The information will be used to advocate for positive change, better respond to community needs, and to raise funds for our services and programs.

How is community members’ confidentiality protected?

All responses will be kept confidential and according to our privacy policy.

Will the survey findings be published?

Yes. The information collected will be analysed by The Salvation Army’s Research team. The findings will be compiled into a report and published on The Salvation Army’s website. They may also be used for media, promotion, fundraising and advocacy purposes. No identifying details will be included about individual community members, and their personal information will be kept confidential and anonymous.

Who can community members contact if completing the survey causes them distress?

Community members can contact the following for free 24/7 crisis support.


Free and confidential 24/7 phone support for anyone in a personal crisis, feeling stressed or struggling to cope, including thoughts about suicide. 


Free and confidential 24/7 phone support run by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people for mob who want to yarn without judgement and to speak about their needs, worries or concerns. 


Free and confidential 24/7 phone support anyone experiencing and impacted by domestic, family or sexual violence and abuse.

Suicide Call Back Service

Free 24/7 phone support anyone feeling suicidal, worried about someone at risk, grieving a suicide, or dealing with emotional or mental health issues.


Free 24/7 phone support for men dealing with issues like mental health, anger, family violence, addiction, relationships, divorce, and social isolation. 


Free and anonymous LGBTIQ+ phone support available 3pm-midnight each day for people wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships. 

Who can community members contact if they want more information about this survey?

Contact the Research Team at

Can community members use the survey to ask for help with financial hardship or other issues they may be experiencing?

No, the purpose of the survey is to gather information on community members experiences and is not a way to request additional Emergency Relief or other assistance. If community members would like help or more information about how to access our services, they are welcome to contact a Salvos centre near them or to visit the Salvos website.

Poster to promote the survey

In addition to the text messages, you might also see the following poster at one of our centres.

Example of the printed poster that promotes the survey

  • The Facebook logo
  • The X logo
  • The Youtube logo
  • The Instagram logo
  • The LinkedIn logo

The Salvation Army Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet and work and pay our respect to Elders past, present and future.

We value and include people of all cultures, languages, abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and intersex status. We are committed to providing programs that are fully inclusive. We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of people of all ages, particularly children.

Five Diversity and Inclusion logos

The Salvation Army is an international movement. Our mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in his name with love and without discrimination.

13 SALVOS (13 72 58)

Gifts of $2 or more to the social work of The Salvation Army in Australia are tax deductible.Details and ABNs

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