Youth support Youth support

The Salvation Army Youth Services

The Salvation Army Youth Services

Supporting young people on their journey to independence.

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Youth services

The Salvation Army Youth Services offers targeted programs that support young people across Australia on their journey to independence. These programs work together to create intentional avenues for young people to explore opportunities, build support networks, and access, participate in and contribute to their communities.

Our Youth Services provide a range of programs across the following areas:

  • Alcohol and Other Drugs
  • Driver Training
  • Education
  • Employment and Training
  • Housing and Homelessness
  • Specialist Therapeutic Responses
  • Youth Justice

*Please be aware than not all services may be provided at every centre.

Our Model of Care

Our Model of Care Journey to Independence is underpinned by both Psychologically Informed Environments (PIE) and Trauma Informed Care (TIC). Both approaches resolve to improve the psychological, social, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of children, young people and their families.

Working collaboratively with partner services, we value the dynamic networks that support sustainable outcomes for young people. We commit to actively working alongside young people, and their identified support systems, on their journey to independence.

If you need help, you can find the our youth services below 

Need help?

You can discover some of the networks, programs and services we offer to support young people around Australia below.

Respecting and supporting diversity and inclusion in our Youth Services

The Salvation Army Youth Services Australia works to create spaces where every young person feels a sense of belonging, is respected and valued.  

We see the extraordinary strength and resilience of young people from diverse backgrounds however we recognise that the challenges and barriers experienced by young people who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, LGBTIQA+, culturally and linguistically diverse, living with a disability and/or from migrant or refugee background are often exacerbated. The challenges and barriers experienced can be a result of  marginalisation, stigma, racism, discrimination and social exclusion which sees these young people overrepresented among those presenting to Youth Services. 

We are committed to making sure our youth programs and services are safe and welcoming spaces as we create opportunities for ALL young people to achieve their full potential.   

Rainbow Tick Accreditation Logo

Rainbow Tick Accreditation

7 TSA locations that provide Youth programs in Victoria are Rainbow Tick Accredited.

​Read more about the Rainbow Tick Accreditation here

How we demonstrate our commitment to inclusion in our Youth Services

We know that culture is central to a young person’s identity and sense of belonging. Our practices ensure cultural rights, values, beliefs and expectations are respected. We are committed to delivering culturally safe services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young peoples. 

Some of the ways we demonstrate this commitment is through: 

  • Ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young peoples participate in, and have control over, decision making matters which affect their lives 
  • Facilitating pathways and opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young peoples to connect with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff members and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations relevant to their needs 
  • Providing staff with cultural support and professional development in the workplace
  • Embracing and participating in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander days of significance; recognising their history, culture and achievements 

Our youth programs and services embrace, value and respect cultural difference, demonstrate cultural sensitivity and address cultural biases or inequalities. We are committed to providing young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds with safe and inclusive services that ensure everyone receives access to the support they need. 

Some of the ways we demonstrate this commitment is through: 

  • Providing access to appropriate and trained interpreters 
  • Getting to know young people to ensure we have a genuine understanding about what is important to them 
  • Our staff critically reflect on their own beliefs, values and understanding of culture and are committed to learning to avoid barriers and cultural biases in service delivery 
  • Our youth programs and services actively engage the expertise of local cultural organisations and individuals to develop our understanding of the unique issues facing our communities 

Our youth programs and services are sensitive to, and inclusive of the needs of, LGBTIQA+ young people. We are committed to making sure our services are safe and welcoming spaces enabling LGBTIQA+ young people to thrive.  

Some of the ways we demonstrate this commitment is through:  

  • Maintaining confidentiality and not disclosing a young person’s gender identity, sexual orientation or intersex status without consent 
  • Respecting young people’s genders by correctly using names and pronouns 
  • Developing and maintaining relationships with LGBTIQA+ specialist services 
  • Facilitating LGBTIQA+ training to our staff to ensure our services are inclusive 

Rainbow Tick Accreditation Logo

Rainbow Tick Accreditation

7 TSA locations that provide Youth programs in Victoria are Rainbow Tick Accredited.

​Read more about the Rainbow Tick Accreditation here

Our services ensure young people living with a disability can participate fully in all youth programs and services. We focus on abilities and value the unique talents, skills and potential of every young person.  

Some of the ways we demonstrate this commitment is through: 

  • Delivering youth programs and services that are designed in such a way that a young person living with a disability can participate in all programs and activities 
  • Ensuring our physical and social environments are accessible and safe  
  • Involving young people as active participants in all discussions and decisions relating to them 
  • Developing targeted partnerships that facilitate ease of access to the supports young people need 

TSA Youth Services is committed to promoting accessibility and inclusivity for individuals living with a disability, which is why we have developed a comprehensive Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2024-2028. Through this plan, we aim to remove barriers, create equal opportunities, and foster an inclusive environment where everyone can fully participate.

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The Salvation Army Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet and work and pay our respect to Elders past, present and future.

We value and include people of all cultures, languages, abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and intersex status. We are committed to providing programs that are fully inclusive. We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of people of all ages, particularly children.

Five Diversity and Inclusion logos

The Salvation Army is an international movement. Our mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in his name with love and without discrimination.

13 SALVOS (13 72 58)

Gifts of $2 or more to the social work of The Salvation Army in Australia are tax deductible.Details and ABNs

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