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Avocado, ginger and almond pasta with coriander

Avocado, ginger and almond pasta with coriander

This gorgeous pasta dish is a definite crowd-pleaser and an easy recipe for the hectic Christmas period. Recipe by Maggie Beer.


500g tagliatelle pasta

6 tbspn almond flakes

2 large or 3 small avocado chopped

2 tbspn Verjuice

1/3 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 tspn ginger finely chopped, almost to a mince

To taste salt flakes

½ cup coriander leaves

½ cup parmigiano-reggiano shaved

To taste, freshly ground black pepper


1. Preheat oven to 220C.

2. Bring a large saucepan of water to the boil. Pasta can be cooked beforehand and then warmed up in the microwave.

3. Place almonds on a flat tray and roast them. This won’t take long so keep an eye on them. Remove from the oven when ready, after approximately 5 minutes, or when golden brown.

4. Place the chopped avocado into a bowl and drizzle with Verjuice.

5. Into a separate large bowl, place the warmed pasta with the Extra Virgin Olive Oil and minced ginger and toss through. Add some sea salt and 3/4 of the roasted almonds, toss.

6. Add the coriander and the rest of the roasted almonds and toss.

7. Finally add the avocado, serve with some freshly ground black pepper and sea salt to taste, a squeeze of lemon juice and the shaved parmigiano to finish.


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