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Housing service offers community connection and care – Annie’s story

Dealing with the emotional aftermath of family and domestic violence, Annie initially found work and housing, and started to build a new life. But then, COVID-19 hit, and she lost her work and then her home. This Homelessness Week 2023 (7-13 August), as part of The Salvation Army theme ‘It’s time to end homelessness: together, we can’, Annie shares her story of struggle and hope, to encourage others.

Annie shares her story

Seven years ago, I came to Australia from Papua New Guinea (PNG) to escape family and domestic violence. I am an accountant by trade, and this is what I did when I arrived in Australia for several years. But when COVID happened, I lost my job and became homeless. 

I’d never never been homeless before. When I first arrived at The Salvation Army housing crisis service, my mind was very bad … I didn’t leave my room at the service for almost three weeks.

One day, I left my room to cook in the kitchen to find it messy. So, I decided to do the dishes. The kitchen became mine and I started to do dishes and cook.

We had a community dinner for the first time and then I thought, “Oh, this is another home”. The community had a great impact on me. We would cook and eat together, and I realised that all the other residents were human beings, just like me.

I felt like I belonged somewhere, and I had a family. It improved my mental health to know that someone knew me, loved me and the case managers provided help. I realised I had to do something, so I started looking for jobs.

Housing and hope builds stability

We did my CV and I started to apply for factory jobs. I got a factory job. I saved up money and bought a car. But unfortunately, I crashed this car. My mental health got really bad, over this little thing. My stress got worse. I was so nervous and so depressed again.

But eventually we got help from some lawyers ... then my mental health picked up again. I was happy. I was thinking “What is this? When I’m happy I’m happy, but when I’m sad, the depression gets really bad and goes for a long time”.

And I told myself, “I can’t keep doing this [bad coping mechanisms] forever, I have to change”. My Salvos case manager would tell me I would be okay, that there was a way. I kept listening to her positive words, I went to a counsellor, and I completely changed my outlook.

After some time, I improved a lot. My mental health was good. And then in a short time I received my permanent residency, which was a huge relief for me. Then I applied for Centrelink as I got offered a house with a community housing provider and I’m now staying there.

A new life from homelessness to home

Housing really removed all of my stress. I have a roof over my head, I have a really nice home. I have a big church community, and, I just got a new job. Now I feel like helping others who are in my situation, walking in my shoes, who are in stressful situations. I told myself I will not go in the dark again after being stressed for so long.

My biggest change was when I first came to The Salvation Army crisis housing service, I didn’t know where I was going. I didn’t have anybody guiding me, I was lost, I was like somebody lost in the jungle. I was lost in a place where you have no family, no connection. I didn’t know how to keep living.

That’s why when I first came to the service, I wanted to go back to PNG and die in my own country than keep living here.

But now, the greatest change is I can go out and face the community. I can engage with other women like me, engage with my community. My Salvos case managers showed me love, kindness and compassion. Without this I would have given up.

If you or someone you know is at risk of losing your home, or are already experiencing homelessness, please contact us. We have a range of support services for youth, adults and families.
The Salvation Army Homelessness Support Services

I wrote to thank them, and I said: “You people are very good. You handle all types of situations and help so many others with their own problems. I saw that and built my own resilience. I saw that there were other people in my situation.”

The service also had a seminar with the Family and Domestic Violence Service and that helped me realise I can do some community work. For me, I am really encouraged to help the community. I learnt from the service that I can do anything.

It’s time to end homelessness: together, we can make a difference.
Learn more about Homelessness Week 2023

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